Osteoporosis: The Other Silent Killer Revisited

With Spring in the making, more plans for outtings come about with family and friends. Although it's a time to enjoy the sunshine and have fun, we tend to get more calls about the new and unfortunate finding of osteoporosis-the other silent killer(heart attack being number one). Falls, slips, stepping wrong, etc. It all comes down to the majority of our folks had no idea their bones were in danger. We posted the following about seven years ago and felt it was good one to revisit. A quick read and a good source for more Osteo-Related information at the end. Worried about what's covered? Call us. We're happy to help!
Originally posted June 6, 2017
Every year, more Americans are diagnosed with osteoporosis—a disease that causes bones to weaken and become more likely to break. You may not know that you have this “silent” disease until your bones are so weak that a sudden strain, bump, or fall causes your wrist to break or your hip to fracture. Learn the facts so you can protect your bones!
A few of the biggest myths about osteoporosis are below:
Osteoporosis is a natural part of aging that only affects older women.
Yes, about one in two women are affected but up to one in four men over the age of 50 will break a bone due to osteoporosis, also.
Exposure to chemotherapy and radiation leads to bone loss and increases the risk of osteoporosis and fractures, which varies in age, now, unfortunately.
Bone loss can’t be treated once it starts.
Although there is no cure for osteoporosis, there are medicines that either:
slow or stop bone loss or
rebuild bone.
Bone density tests are painful.
Testing for bone density is painless and only takes about fifteen minutes.
What are some of the things you can do to protect your bones?
Get the calcium and vitamin D you need every day.
Do regular weight-bearing and muscle-strengthening exercises.
Don’t smoke and don’t drink too much alcohol.
Talk to your healthcare provider about your chance of getting osteoporosis and ask when you should have a bone density test.
Take an osteoporosis medication when it’s right for you, after discussing the risks and benefits of all treatment options with your healthcare provider.
The best deterrents are to keep an open line of communication with your doctor and stick to preventative measures. This can help you prevent, or detect, osteoporosis at an early stage. Speak with your doctor about getting a bone mass measurement if you’re at risk, as Medicare covers this test once every 24 months, or more often if medically necessary when ordered by your doctor or other qualified provider. This test is very quick and painless.
Learn more about what puts you at risk for osteoporosis and how to prevent or treat it, at BHOC, formerly known as The National Osteoporosis Foundation.
As always, give us a call if you have any questions about Medicare and how it covers Osteoporosis, the testing, procedures, or the medications.