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Medicare Agent Blog
Our Recent Posts

MEDICARE INFO for Getting Care During Emergencies and Disasters
Last week, Medicare sent out an essential email with crucial links and updates regarding disasters and emergencies. Of course, we are...

Osteoporosis: The Other Silent Killer Revisited
With Spring in the making, more plans for outtings come about with family and friends. Although it's a time to enjoy the sunshine and...

Simplifying Your Choices with Medicare
One of the most important things we do for our clients is break down Medicare in the simplest terms. It's a lot of information and your...

Update on CMS Drug Negotiations
For those of you following the updates on the Part D negotiations, we're posting information via below for your reference. CMS...

Calling the BCRC
I hope all is well your way! Just a quick reminder: If you put off Medicare when you turned 65 because you had coverage through your...

Out-of-Network Surprises
Happy New Year! We are getting a lot of calls from people who found out the New Year brought some bad news: Their doctors and/or...

Watch Out for Scammers!
With Open Enrollment, or AEP, comes an uptick in scamming. We get calls daily about a phone call or piece of mail someone received that...

Often times, we take the hard-working men and women of the HVAC world for granted. I can honestly say that I've never been in that...

Happy Yoga Day!
It seems there's a special day dedicated to everything, now, but who doesn't love yoga? With benefits ranging from low-impact on joints...
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